Friday, August 1, 2008

Scott & Frances' Engagement Photo Session

For Scott and Frances' engagement photo session, we were expecting rain but the sun came out unexpectedly.  That really made our day!   I first time I met Frances I instantly bonded her.  It felt like I knew her before!  I was really glad the couple could make it to the photo shoot because Scott wasn't able to fly to Vancouver from LA this weekend.  Frances loves downtown Vancouver, so we went around the art gallery first and then drove to English Bay for more photos.  I love the black jackets they have in these photos.  And the b&w photos are just my favourite!  It's been a while since I last did engagement photo session.  It's so nice for both of my clients and I to get to know each other first before the big day.  I can't wait to photograph their wedding!



Catelog shoot with Polymath Fashion

Last week I had a catalog photo shoot for Polymath Fashion.  Great piece of garment that could turn into so many different style!